How to draft a POA yourself

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How to draft a POA yourself

Power of attorney is a legal contract that allows the agent to make decisions on behalf of their clients. Though it is a legal process which needs to be followed but there is no law which states that you need a specific lawyer to help you carry this out. There are forms that need to be filled and proper paper work that needs to be carried out. If you plan on carrying out this process yourself then here are a few guidelines that can help you along the way.

The first thing that you need to take care of is that this is a legal contract which binds two parties together. A client and an agent come together on a trustworthy relationship where the agent needs to be honest and completely loyal to their client as this is a crucial step and they will be responsible of making heavy decisions on behalf of their client. Once you have decided your agent, you need to take care of the fact that there are some rules that you have to follow no matter how much changes you plan on making in your POA. It is impossible to create such a POA which cannot be revoked ever by the client themselves, this kind of term and condition won’t be accepted in court.

The next step is to make sure that you very clearly you state your laws and rules that you want the agent to follow. State everything in clear and simple words in order to avoid miscommunication or misinterpretation. You will have to choose the format; if you wish POA to be a lifelong commitment or that it has a certain expiry date. After that, you will have to choose the date of activation of POA. If you wish it to be immediately active the day it gets finalized or if you wish to have a ‘springing time’. This will all depend on you.

You need to make sure that the signature of client and agent is present and if there are any certain circumstances stated in there which automatically revokes the POA if the rules are violated or not carried out in an ethical manner. It is best to take help of a special power of attorney Dubai in such cases.

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